Multilingual Websites Made Easy with Varbase

Conference 1

Introduction to Multilingual Capabilities:

As businesses expand globally, the need to cater to diverse audiences becomes essential. Varbase simplifies the creation and management of multilingual websites. This blog post will detail the multilingual features of Varbase and demonstrate how easy it is to manage content in multiple languages.

Setting Up Multilingual Support:

Start by enabling the Multilingual modules in Varbase. These modules allow you to translate site interfaces, menus, and content. Configure language settings by adding the languages you need under Configuration > Regional and Language. You can also set a default language and decide how content translation management should be handled.

Creating and Managing Translated Content:

Once your languages are set up, create your content in your default language and use the built-in interface to add translations. Varbase ensures that each translation is linked to the original content, making management straightforward. This feature is essential for keeping content consistent across different languages and simplifying updates.